Oceanographer, Climate Scientist, and Educator.


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Dr. Jenna Pearson

Climatematch Academy


My research explores the intersections physical oceanography, biogeochemistry, and climate. I use statistical methods paired with models, observations, and theory to understand the transport and fate of tracers like oil, pathogens, and nutrients in the upper and coastal ocean, with emphasis on submesoscales. I also assess coastal observations to understand how natural climate variability affects coastal oxygen levels in the Indian Ocean. Please see my publications for more information, or click on the photos below.


Indian Ocean Dead Zones

Utilizing models and observations to understand how dead zones will respond to human-induced and natural changes in climate, agriculture, and industry.

Biases in Drifter Statistiscs

Quantifying the effects of convergence zones and vortices on Eulerian velocity structure functions estimated with surface drifters using both numerical models and observations.

Transport and Dispersion

Stastical analysis of surface drifters, driftcards, and numerical models to understand small-to-large scale motion in the Gulf of Mexico and Narragansett Bay.

Structure Function Theory

New theory for velocity and reactive tracer structure functions in anisotropic 2D and Quasigeostrophic flows to better understand biophysical interactions under more realistic conditions.


Studying the Ocean: Past, Present, and Future

Online 2020

Studying the Ocean from the Classroom to the Bay


Studying the Ocean from the Blackboard to Drones



In Preparation

  1. Pearson, B., Pearson, J., Fox-Kemper, B., In Prep: Structure Functions in Quasigeostrophic Turbulence. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans


  1. Pearson, J., Resplandy, R., Poupon, M. 2022: Coastlines at Risk of Hypoxia From Natural Variability in the Northern Indian Ocean. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 36, e2021GB007192 [PDF, DOI]
  2. Pearson, B., Pearson, J., Fox-Kemper, B., 2021: Advective Structure Functions in Anisotropic Two-Dimensional Turbulence. Journal of Fluid Mechanics , 916, A49 [PDF, DOI]
  3. Pearson, J., Fox-Kemper, B., Pearson, B., Chang, H., Haus, B., Horstmann, J., Huntley, H., Kirwan, D. A., Jr., Poje, A., 2020: Biases in structure functions from observations of submesoscale flows. Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans, 125, e2019JC015769 [PDF, DOI]
  4. Chang, H., Huntley, H., Kirwan, D., Jr., Carlson, D., Mensa, J., Mehta, S., Novelli, G., Ozgokomen, T., Fox-Kemper,B., Pearson, B., Pearson, J., Harcourt, R. 2019: Small-scale dispersion observations in the presence of Langmuir circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 3069-3085 [PDF, DOI]
  5. Pearson, J., Fox-Kemper, B., Barkan, R., Choi, J., Bracco, A., & McWilliams, J., 2019: Impacts of convergence on structure functions from surface drifters in the Gulf of Mexico. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 49, 675–690 [PDF, DOI]
  6. Xia, C., Cochrane, C., DeGuire, J., Fan, G., Holmes, E., McGuirl, M., Murphy, P., Palmer, J., Carter, P., Slivinski, L., and Sandstede, B., 2017: Assimilating Eulerian and Lagrangian data in traffic-flow models. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena, 346, 59-72 [PDF, DOI]

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